Laureate Shelties Blog
A bit of this, a bit of that...with a lot of free spirits.

The Paris - Digit puppies got bathed, blown dry, tattooed and Vet checked yesterday. A big thank you to Gisela for your help! It was a very big day for them and they handled it well. Today I figured we better take some snapshots of them before they got too dirty again. Here is our pick from this litter. The boy with the blaze. No name chosen for him yet...

A cold day (minus 17 C) so we just put the table out the door and took some shots for the record.

A beautiful puppy with a very familiar look...

Leaning in...

The bigger plain faced boy

The smaller girl

Eva is on the mend and her babies are starting to turn the corner. They still look to me to be younger than their actual age, but I have no doubt they will catch up in the next few weeks. They love their food and are eating well. Above are the three girls who were not too sure about the noises I was making!

They eat with such gusto, that they end up crawling in the bowl and smearing it on their paws and their faces. So it was time to clean them up and give them much needed mini baths. I didn't give Buzz the full spa treatment as he had his bath and
blow dry yesterday. He just got a warm cloth over his face, so he wasn't included in the photo shoot today. Above is the blue girl. She is a little doll.

Bi black boy and the blue boy. The blue boy was the smallest at birth and is really coming along. I like how he feels today; he's very solid and well built. The bi black boy is a feisty little guy.

A very soft face, much like the blues in this family...

Baby "Buzz Lightyear" from the Eva - Kenshe litter. This little guy wasn't thriving and at about ten days of age needed sub-Q fluids and bottle feeding to keep him going. He is now a mighty pound and a half. He and his littermates were suddenly weaned as Eva developed mastitis and was rushed to the Vet Sunday night. She will be fine, but will need bandage changing and lots of care for the next week or so. The little ones are starting to catch on to the idea of eating from a dish.

Bunny baby boy at nearly 4 weeks. The three Bunny babies are thriving and now climbing over the barrier to get to their mom and today got to her food dish also. Time to start weaning these little ones.

Bunny's brown baby girl

The boy...looking similar to Miley's girl at the same age.

All three...

I'm also resting a bit now before these babies are going full steam. (I'm also accepting newspaper donations!)

The yet to be named Miley pup is prettier all the time. Her size is fine for her age, so we'll continue to grow out this girl as one of our show hopefuls. I made more effort this week and gave her a bath...her first. While I could tell she wasn't in love with the idea of being soaking wet, she didn't fuss too much.

A blow dry and some powder and then out in the - 15 degrees Celsius for some pictures.

She was a bit cold and wasn't pulling herself up...can't really say that I blame her! She is looking a lot like her
mother at this age...but also consistent with what her sire "Digit" (Am Ch Brandina Carmylie Double Digit) is producing.

Show side

Very plush...

The glamorous life I lead ;-)
(I had to post this because despite how bad I look, isn't she the cutest thing???)
Belated Happy New Year. One of my resolutions was to cut back the time spent on my "virtual life" so I can focus more on my real life...hence the lack of updates.
We have been busy with all our puppies and enjoying all their stages. After the last post of Miley's pup begging Paris for some milk, we transferred her over to Paris' litter. Miley didn't skip a beat and went back to her normal routine. Miley's puppy benefited from having littermates and a doting grandmother who took her in and mothered her like her own.

Now 7 1/2 weeks of age, size is still a question. She measured 8 inches today, so we'll have to see how she grows in the next few weeks.

It was her first time outside so we didn't take time for body shots. After these quick snaps I put her down to get a feel for the snow and she didn't seem to notice anything was different. I tried to take photos, but as fast as I was running backwards, she was running to catch up!