Laureate Shelties Blog

A bit of this, a bit of that...with a lot of free spirits.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Close Encounters

Our feeders are out the front door, hanging from branches of a blue spruce. We have a feeder with sunflower seeds and one filled with Niger seeds. I have a few days worth of pictures...
On Saturday even though it rained the feeders were incredibly busy!
The chickadees are probably the most common bird at our feeders. They are so cute and cheerful.
Experimenting with the flash. While the experts recommend 3 strobe lights to freeze the wings, I used the flash on the camera and got the opposite result! I kind of like it though!
The flash brought out her colours. The shutter speed is only 1/250 sec.

Translucent wings...

1/2000 sec...tongue sticking out!

And again...
I don't think I've ever seen a porcupine here before. I was out on the steps feeding the chipmunks when this prickly guy came right out of the center island! Luckily I had just put the dogs away.

He was in no hurry as he ambled towards the dog yard!

I'm hoping I don't see this guy again anytime soon...especially when we're out on a walk!


lonfrichuk September 3, 2009 at 7:58 PM  

OMG! Bold as brass! Maggie had a "close encounter" with a porcupine at the cottage and it wasn't fun removing those quills. We were more upset than she was!

Laureate September 5, 2009 at 7:52 AM  

Luckily that hasn't happened to our guys, but I don't know if this guy was just passing through or if he's taken up residence! Bunny would go wild...she has such high prey drive.

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